CDP Upgrade: Around 2k Used


Contemplating upgrading from my Jolida JD 100 CDP w/ "level 1" mods. I like it pretty well, but it has a chattery transport (although I've not heard others make this complaint about the Jolida). Rather than investing time and money in sorting that out, I'm thinking of trying something new. Frequently mentioned possibilities at my price point:

Consonance Droplet
Cary 303-300
Wadia 302
Ayre CX-7e
Audio Resolution Opus 21

Associated gear:

Odyssey Stratos Dual Mono
Marsh 2000b
North Creek Eskas

Room is 13' X 13' X 9', with large openings on two sides.

I listen to a lot of female vocals from jazz to, 50s-60s jazz, a bit of baroque, and some grungy rock.

I suspect my taste in sound favors "laid back" over "bright."

I've some inclination towards 1 box, for simplicity.


I am on a similar search and have a similar list. I have narrowed down to Ayre or Resolution opus 21. Having spoken to Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound, who sells and Mods Wadia and Resolution, I feel he rates Resolution more. I am going for the Resolution with his mods when I can find one 2nd hand. You could get a Resolution now, perhaps mod at a later date, the mods have very good reports. I rate them both above the Consonance, good though it is, I havent heard the Cary. I get the impression the Ayre is better with Ayre amps and certainly better through XLR.
Does anyone who has heard the Rega Saturn as well as several of these choices think that the Saturn should be included in this list?
IMO the Resolution Audio Opus 21 would be the best of that group with Ayre coming in second. I am also a believer in the GNS upgrade to the the Opus 21 but it is a bargain either stock or modified. The Wadia 302 is Ok but somewhat colder and more digial sounding.
You may not hear all the differences with the Marsh 2000b preamp though.
I am with David 12. Having heard Resolution, Ayre and the Consonance, I would rate the Resolution highest. And yes, I also feel both rank quite above the Consonance.