CDP Upgrade

I'm thinking of upgrading my source and my wife has given me permission! I currently have the Rotel 1072, which is fine. I'd like to hear some suggestions regarding an upgrade and what I can expect by upgrading.

I'm considering the Cary 308T. But am open to suggestions.

i just went from cambridge audio 640c to the cairn fog v2
with upsampling to 192, it sounds fantastic but must say the controls are quirky and not that user friendly. but the sound makes you forget any ergonomic shortfalls.
Mjcmt--How muct detail did you feel was lost with the Cary 308T? I'm very interested in your post a few months ago regarding the Cary 308T v. 303/300. I'm considering the 308T, as my system can be harsh and glarey, even glassy in massed trebles with orchestral and choral music. I'm now looking closely at the 308T and 306/200 (solid state) as potential choices. It seems I cannot get detail and dynamics without sacrificing warmth and getting an edginess in the top end. For detail and dynamics, the Simaudio 5.3 and Equinox were most impressive, but they can be edgy in the trebles. What's your opinion of the 306/200?
I haven't bought anything yet. I was listening to a McCormack universal player the other day that was intriguing. My dealer dropped the Cary line. I was hoping to hear the new models. I guess they were problematic from a business and customer support perspective. The products were good, but the dealer had problems with the company.

The 308-T is not in the same league as the 306/200. at it's present used prices these days it's a steal.
Hammer, I also upgraded from a Rotel player. I suggest you up your budget a bit more and try the Ayre CX-7e or Resolution Audio Opus 21. You'll be amazed at the difference. And, so will your wife. So much so, she'll over look the price change. At least that's how it played out in my house.

Unless, you have some reason to get into SACD's (you're really rich or just masochistic), I would suggest staying away from the universal players. You'll get more bang for the buck for with a simple redbook player.