I understand what you are saying Raul as it does make sense. System hierarchy is definately an interesting subject regarding vinyl playback and would be a good thread starter (if it hasn't already been done!). I could suggest though that if muscial truth is found higher up the chain then one could only conclude that the speaker is the final and most influential component in the audio chain, as it allows us to hear what is happening further up. I think that David Wilson is also a believer in this theory.
BUT... a good tracking/sounding cartridge will allow the listener to enjoy a broader range of recordings regardless of the superiority of phono stage, no? If something is too revealing then it would also show all the defects in the vinyl and recording event thus creating a poorer listening experience.
I personally can't stand mistracking and groove distortion, however I appreciate the detail and ambient space provided by LP over CD. Surface noise on an LP can be really frustrating and judging by many of the complaints lodged on this forum regarding noise it is also something of an issue for many others.
One of the main reasons for looking at the Sumiko line is because many users seem to be happy with the overall sound and lack of having to tweek the tonearm to the n'th degree just to get the cartridge to make music. My ETII tonearm is fussy enough and I figured the Sumiko's may be more forgiving in the matter of setting VTA,Azimuth etc just right. Many audiophiles are masters of setting up a cartridge and tonearm and I'm certain you are one of them. I can assure you that I am not a master at this science and probably never will be. I hope I am buying one of my last cartridges for a looonggg time.
Thank you for your input and suggestions, now if only I could get that Aesthetix Rhea!
BUT... a good tracking/sounding cartridge will allow the listener to enjoy a broader range of recordings regardless of the superiority of phono stage, no? If something is too revealing then it would also show all the defects in the vinyl and recording event thus creating a poorer listening experience.
I personally can't stand mistracking and groove distortion, however I appreciate the detail and ambient space provided by LP over CD. Surface noise on an LP can be really frustrating and judging by many of the complaints lodged on this forum regarding noise it is also something of an issue for many others.
One of the main reasons for looking at the Sumiko line is because many users seem to be happy with the overall sound and lack of having to tweek the tonearm to the n'th degree just to get the cartridge to make music. My ETII tonearm is fussy enough and I figured the Sumiko's may be more forgiving in the matter of setting VTA,Azimuth etc just right. Many audiophiles are masters of setting up a cartridge and tonearm and I'm certain you are one of them. I can assure you that I am not a master at this science and probably never will be. I hope I am buying one of my last cartridges for a looonggg time.
Thank you for your input and suggestions, now if only I could get that Aesthetix Rhea!