Celebration vs Blackbird

Has anyone heard these carts. side by side? Are they voiced similar.
I am using a Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 signature phone preamp and according to an early review of this pre, it suggests that sonically the MM stage is superior to the MC. If this is the case I may opt for the Blackbird and use the MM. However it's pretty good in MC and I would hate to miss out any performance by NOT buying the Celebration.
Also a review on the Celebration suggests that it isn't a great tracker, any comments?
Dear Alun: Congratulations!!!!!

Yes, the Celebration is a great performer. Good news for you: after 100 hours this " baby "really shine, you will see.

Till to now I'm always post that the Celebration is the " century bargain " an outperforms several of the very top high/price cartridges out there.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I had an SFP1 Siggy for a time and enjoyed it immensely (replaced it with an SF Phono 1). This is an excellent sounding phono stage however there is one small thing to watch in the setup between MM and MC. The MC mode inverts absolute phase where the MM mode does not. You may find a difference in your sound if you correct for this somewhere in the signal path. Just a suggestion.
Actually, I am interested in your impressions of this cartridge as I am playing with the idea of changing my own.
Thats correct Dukester, I have found that it does invert phase and it really messed me up about a year ago when I found my CD player did the same!