Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?

Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?
People and their systems? I was always curious.

I only know of one - "Fabio" with his elaborate system shown long ago with some Transparent adds in a magazine.

Any others that you know off?
LA hi end dealer Brooks Berdan has numerous celebrity customers...I met comedian Gary Shandling at his store several months ago. He ended up with Wilson Alexandrias.
I believe Gary Shandling is or was a licensed amateur radio operator which means he has at least a basic understanding of electronics.
Someday I hope to be a celebrity.
However, I'm not a lunatic audiophile (is that redundant?).
When I worked in LA in the late 70's I went to Santa Barbara to hear the Model2's at Harold Beveridges house--he told me they had just made a pair
in Mirrored Glass panels (!) for Julie Andrews.
Christopher Hansen had some Celeb clients around that time I recall also.

Glory days
Hi Des -
It's true about the mirrored pair. Go figure :)

See you at CES? Mail me.
