Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

Anybody knows if Bob is making a GE USB cable as well ? I looked at Cerious website but didn’t find any information.
Please read Bob’s reply from 09-22-2016 7:31pm.  Page 12 of this thread on my browser.
I want to try the GE cables. Which do you think will give me the most bang for my buck? A PC for the Tara Labs Powerscreen all my components are plugged into? Digital cable from CD Transport to DAC? A pair of ICs? I need a biwire pair of SCs, so they are out of my budget, for now.

I asked earlier but didn't get any replies, is anyone using the interconnects as phono cables or know if Bob is considering going down that path?
Tommylion & jsm71,
I would start with the power cable or if it's in your budget the speaker cables. I might add that my statement was made bassed upon the experiences I had in my system, as we all know different systems yeild different results.