change from wilson benesch p3.0 to magico s5 mk1

hi all

have the opportunity to move to magico s5 mk1 from wilson benesch p3.0

im looking for a better overall sound with a grippier stronger more powerful bottom. end i can feel

this is my kit room size is 11x5x 2.8m 

gigawatt circuit breaker
gigawatt in wall power cable
2 x trader 5 gang wall unit
netgear orbi with sbooster psu router
silent angel n8 with sbooster psu network switch
ayon s10 signature streamer dac with voodoo air spectra power cord
corvus xlr
vitus sia 025 with voodoo tesla
pad neptune rca
wilson benesch p3.0 speakers in 2.0 no subs

heres one of my tidal play lists

My experience with the geometry series is that WB just doesn't emphasize bass.  I am not sure Magico is the answer as it is much brighter.  

Vivid Kaya 90s might solve your issue as they are not much brighter than the WBs and have much better bass response.  

I have 45s sitting next to Vertexes.  

A customer of mine had a pair of paramount 200 watt amps. Traded them for an Esoteric 30 watt class A stereo amp....the bass was so much better. Look for a good amplifier...The midrange on WB speakers is exceptional, never loss site of that and if you aren't taken with it then the new amp and perhaps a lovely tube preamp. 

thanks. i think its my room is to big and hard. im gonna try more acoustic treatment. i believe my vitus sia 025 is a very good rich liquid sounding amplifier. would i be correct is saying the harder the reflective surface are in a room the mid top end will be brighter harsher and the mid low will be softened?

I never needed much room treatment with the WB speakers from the small monitor trinity to the larger Endeavours. . Let your speakers tell you when they are happy. Bring them out from the walls toe them in a bit sit about 6 to 8 feet back and then see how they sound. 

These speakers take quite a while to break in so be patient, relax ( I know that is difficult ) and see how they blossom. 

Sounds like you are looking for fuller bass. You don't say what speaker cables you have; they are important for synergy at this level. Not sure the sealed cabinet S5 would get you more fullness.