Changing the 6550 power tube in a Audio Research Ref 6SE Preamp

Hi All,

I am rather new to tube gear, and have two 'novice-questions', especially for Audio Research Ref 6SE users. Thanks in advance for any insight...


Issue - it is now time to replace the Sovtek 6550 power tube in my ARC Ref 6SE preamp. 


Obviously, I must to be certain to not damage the preamp, so...

a.) Is it SAFE to use a 6550 from a  manufacturer other than Sovtek (i.e. JJ, GE Tung-Sol, etc.), or are there issues/incompatibilities that I need to keep in mind (e.g. "Stay away form Tung-Sol blue-plate tubes because they have...")?


b.) What was your SQ experience/impression after replacing the Sovtek 6550 tube with a different manufacturer's tube in a ARC Ref 6SE?


(If you are wondering... yes, I called ARC.  The recommend and sell only the Sovtek 6550.)





I've never had a preamp that used a 6550, but in the past I have ran with a couple of 6550 based amps and I rolled a couple of different brands.  I would think that there are better sounding 6550s than Sovtek (although Sovtek was one I never did try).  As @noromance typed:  just do not tell ARC.  

This is the preamp I have. While I have done tube rolling with other brands of equipment, I do not do it with Audio Research. Their  tube choice is very specific and designed to get a very specific sound. That is the sound I want and is compatible with the rest of my system (also, Audio Research).

While buying the tubes from Audio Research is more expensive I typically do. They do much more extensive testing than other tube suppliers. In addition, I want to support this great company.


I always keep and extra set of tubes around for each of my components. Then when swapping out tubes I’m all set... and if I needed to trouble shoot a tube I could. Since my Phonostage, Preamp and DAC/CD player all use the same 6550 tubes that are changed more frequently, I bought an extra quad from ARC.

I replaced Sovtek 6550 with EH from Upscale Audio, ARC grade. Sounded great. No problemo. 

I have the ARC Ref 5SE.  I use a new production Tung-Sol 6550.  I preferred that to the SovTek 6550 although the difference was negligible and probably just due to the SovTek having to many hours on it.  Surprisingly, I also preferred the new production Tung-Sol to a very expensive NOS Tung-Sol 6550 from the 1950s.  Anyhow, you can feel free to try different manufacturers of 6550s and will probably hear small differences between them.

Thanks to one & all !

It seems the consensus is: Yes, non-SovTek 6550 tubes are safe to uses and will have unique sonic characteristics.  

If I am unsatisfied, I can always return to the SovTek 6550 (from ARC or else ware) should others seem inferior (in my system).

Well, time to get shopping...