Chicago Music and Audio Club

The idea of forming an informal group started a few months ago with a few of us getting together to discuss ideas for a club. No dues, no rules except be kind to each other, to have fun sharing music interests and demonstrating audio gear, and to help each other.

To kick things off our first meeting will be on Saturday, October 26th at 12 noon at my house in Barrington. RSVP required. Contact me for details. Space is limited.

Please let others know.

Brian Walsh


We’be reached capacity, so no more at this time. Maybe another at a future date.


An update:

The get together scheduled for this Saturday is postponed till Saturday, Nov. 16th starting at noon.

We have reached capacity, so I'll repeat the event on the following Saturday, Nov, 23rd at noon.

As before, RSVP is required, no unannounced guests.

Please call or text me, 773-809-4434, and let me know your email address.

This past July a few of us got together for breakfast and agreed we should start a club in the area. We haven't had a meeting yet but soon will. Unlike the Chicago Audio Society which I founded 30 years ago and has become unresponsive, the Chicago Music & Audio Club won't collect dues and won't have any rules except be nice to each other. Have fun and be friendly and welcoming, and share your music.

If this sounds interesting please send me an email, or call or text me, 773-809-4434

Brian Walsh

Chicago Music & Audio Club

Meeting this Saturday, December 14, 12 noon to 4 pm, at my house in Barrington, IL

Email me for details,

Let me know if you want to be added to th mailing list for meeting notices.

RSVP required due to limited space.

Vinyl only - bring good records.


Brian Walsh


Brian this is a very good idea getting together, I remember going to your place once, it was fun.