Child Damage Mitigation

Last week the wife and I brought a new baby home - our first - and it's been fun introducing her to the music we love. It dawned on me this morning that this child will be crawling before I know it and my lovely pair of Magnepan 3.7's might be sitting ducks. They're less agile than the cat, closer to the ground than the house plants, and more fragile than the couch. As I've calculated I've got approximately 6 months to find a way to prevent any child-induced damage so your input is greatly appreciated. What can I learn from the grand wisdom of AG about how to keep the kid away from the speakers? 
Another option may be a helmet for the kid.

By the way, your days of "sitting in the sweet spot enjoying my audiophile-grade recordings" have been numbered. Hopefully, you have a long commute to make up for that.

While you are at that, get it while you can. You may or may not be sorry, but she will appreciate it one day.
When my wife decided she wanted a cat, I bought a couple plastic lenses designed to be used on a 4 ft. fluorescent light fixture.  They are translucent and pretty thin, maybe 1/32 inch, strong but very flexible.  When I'm not listening, I bend them around the front of my speakers and secure them with a bungee cord a half foot up from the floor.  They are easily removed for listening and fully protect the grills from the cat when the system is off.  Aesthetically pleasing?  Well, no.  Effective?  100%.
Otherwise, try the "velcro babysitter"...a square of velcro a couple square feet.  One side mounted about half way up the wall of your choice, the other sheet with a hole cut into it large enough to go over the baby's head and secured around the baby's torso.  When you're not in the room, you just velcro the tot to the wall.
Back in the day when Maggies came out the tri panel ones the dealer warp his knuckles on them and said that they we bullet proof.  Has that changed?
Congrats on the new kiddo! I have 2 under 3 and I promise, you can teach them more than you think. Be patient and start teaching them young, they will get it. 
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