CDC - If you've never heard the original DR series of Classe amps, then your comments are completely out of context. Even so, to generalize all Classe amps as being a poor match with all speakers using metal drivers is equally unfounded and unhelpful. Let's keep the comments constructive.
I would bypass the DR-8 and pickup one of the three DR-9s that are available here on the 'goN. The DR-9 is a classic and will certainly give you the "warm" sound you're after. It's also way overbuilt and delivers a TON of current to control virtually any speaker you throw behind it. The DR-9 was frequently paired with Apogee Divas (straight 1 ohm resistive load).
I would bypass the DR-8 and pickup one of the three DR-9s that are available here on the 'goN. The DR-9 is a classic and will certainly give you the "warm" sound you're after. It's also way overbuilt and delivers a TON of current to control virtually any speaker you throw behind it. The DR-9 was frequently paired with Apogee Divas (straight 1 ohm resistive load).