Choices: Nagaoka MP-50, MP-300, or Garrott P77i?

Visitor (now ex-friend! ... just kidding ... kind of) castrated my beloved Nagaoka MP-30.
It had an unknown amount of hours on it and was probably due for a new stylus... none-the-less, I'm now in the market for a new stylus. Thank goodness I've got the Jico SAS-MM1 on hand as a backup.

Anyhow - for Rock + Jazz listening, any thoughts on these three?

I can buy a complete MP-50 cartridge, a brand new MP-300 stylus to fit the MP-30 body, or go completely off the deep-end and try a Garrott P77i all for about the same amount of money.

I really liked the Nagaoka MP-30's sound, so the MP-300 stylus SEEMS to make the most sense. A part of me, however, says while I'm doing this I may as well upgrade to the MP-50 or try the Garrott.

The only Garrott I've ever heard was the Optim-S and, while I liked part of it A LOT, I found it a bit laid back in the high-end. Not sure how the P77i would compare and if it might be a bit more "open".
Thanks Jaybo! - I'm very curious about how you feel the Garrott compares to the AT-150MLx. I have one of those too and absolutely love the way it sounds but it does seem to be just a tad bright on certain recordings.
the garrott(77) is a longtime favorite. as good as any mm out there. they're generally hard to find in the u.s., and a bit pricey, so i usually default to the at, which always is a no brainer for the money. the garrott 77 is more dynamic than the k 1, 2 or 3 (that laid back thing you spoke of), but the garrott character is near perfect in my book. i would recommend to anyone who thinks they need to go with a tube phono or tube preamp to get a stereo to go into 'magic mode'. i may try something else down the road, but it certainly will never 'need' anything more.
Interesting. It might be worth noting that I run an all tube system: Bottlehead Seduction Phono Stage to a Cayin A-70T (Tung-Sol 6550 tubes) Integrated and out to a pair of Usher X-718's.

You're making me want to just order that damned thing from Australia!
Dear Vinyladdict: I own all the cartridges you name it but the 77i, I own the P77.

If you really want something better IMHO these are better options than the ones you ask:

Regards and enjoy the music,