Chord Dave and lInear power supply

I had been using Chord Dave and Mscaler for 3 years.


I installed linear power supply by Farad which cost me around 3k Euros including three separate power supplies.



Wow it is worth every penny.


I get more clear separation of each instrument with more tuneful bass.


Also slight sibilance is  gone.


It is Dave +. after modification.


If you own Dave, you had better try it.


The installation is rather handy.


You need to follow instruction.




Late to the discussion, however I have also taken an upgrade path with the Dave - first with the M Scaler which added greatly to the depth, soundstage and detail (in a good way). Then last year, based on reviews and the fact that Sean Jacobs’ US tech rep lives nearby, I took the plunge and added Sean Jacobs DC4/ARC6 LSU to the DAVE. The change was utterly transformative- as one would hope from such an expensive piece of kit. One cld argue that it would have been better to simply purchase a top end $30K DAC rather than “upgrade” the DAVE piece by piece. However, a one time $30k spend was not in the cards for me. (I suppose one could make the same argument with the Innuos Zenith MK3+PhoenixUSB+PhoenixNET as I did for the same reason as opposed to going directly to the Statement.

Nonetheless, I couldn’t be happier with my system now with the DAVE/M Scaler/SJ LPSU. There may be future upgrades to my system, but I think my “Rube Goldberg” approach to the DAC will satisfy me for a good long time.  

Other major components:

Zenith MK3/PhUSB/PhNET

Pathos Heritage MKii integrated 

Tannoy Kensingtons

REL S/812

Transparent PowerIsolator 

The Sean Jacobs was the most recent add.  

After having above unit just in front of Farad LPS, violin sounds sweeter with natural tone.


The only issue I have and other I have spoken with is the few failures with a horrible 1 year warranty most others 3-5 year , 

Teddy pardo may not be quite as refined but close and has a Very solid 3 year warranty , that gives one much more confidence.

For those of you who have the new Farad upgraded DAVE, what power cords are you using with it?




Mine also got tied up at US custom for a week.


But it was worth the wait.



Mattijs is great.  He will ship your DAVE supply in multiple boxes because mine got tied up in customs because of the listed value.  The single power supply for the M-scaler flew through customs. 




I happened to install linear power supply(not Farad) to Mscaler  about two months ago.


It improved the sound.


Thus I had decided to install Farad kits on Dave.


You went the other way around.😀



Update 2:  If you're using the M-scaler get one for it too.  I didn't do that the first time.  Not sure why I ovelooked it.  Maybe it wasn't in my system at the time but made a big differene there.  I now have a stack of 4 Farad super 3s.  System has never sounded so good.


OK friends, did the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade today to my DAVE today. Funnest HiFi project of my life. FARAD technicians talked with me through the whole build of the 3 power supplies, and shipping process, highly recommended for their customer service at FARAD.

The sound is immediately more detailed and transparent. I won't embellish or exaggerate that it was a revelation, but initially I'd say a 15% improvement. After several hours it has become increasingly transformational in my system, actually stunning. We'll let it burn in a few weeks and really see what it can do.


Hooked the 3 power supplies to 3 Audiowise A/C RF-STOPS that connect to my Shunyata Everest 8000. All 3 FARADs have the furutech and SR purple fuse upgrades. I chose the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade over the Sean Jacobs DC4 Arc 6 because it's 6k cheaper and 2 months quicker in shipping to you. Very very happy with it so far, and it can only get better with burn in.

I believe my Audiowise OPTO-DX from Mscaler to DAVE that runs on LIFEPO4 batteries is the reason why the FARAD power supply wasn't as dramatic a transformation as others, because the OPTO-DX is so incredible in optical galvanic isolation making the power difference more subtle. Nevertheless it is a huge upgrade likened only to the OPTO-DX which I believe is an even better upgrade for the DAVE, but put them together and add the Mscaler on LIFEPO4 batteries and it's about as good as DAVE can get.

Running from Jay's Audio MK3-CDT3 and Aurender W20SE sources.

Happy HiFi Holidays to you all!



Congratulation on good results with SJ power supply.


It is debated which is better between SJ and Farad at Headphone community.


But without regard to cost of 3K$, I am happy with result out of Farad



I re cently added the Sean Jacobs DC4 ARC6 to my DAVE (M Scaler has Teddy Pardo LPS).  Extraordinary impact on my system.  Very costly, to be sure.  But far and away the greatest impact of any change I’ve made to my system.  



If you add tube pre after Dave, it will sound more balanced and organic.


I am happy with Margules Audio SF220.15 20th Anniversary Stereo Tube Preamplifier which I had bought after being impressed with it at Pacific Audiofest 2022.





Congratulation for your positive result.


I am happy with Dave +.


This kind of details, separation and dynamics was not possible with unmodified Dave.



update: I finally got my Farad power supplies through customs and got them installed. System is fantanstic. power supply is icing in the cake. thanks for the suggestion.



shkong78,  Yes, I agree, much more lively and dynamic!  I’m using a Wireworld platinum AES/EBU digital cable right now from my N20 to my DAVE so I may try out a good copper cable and see how that sounds.


lalitk,  Absolutely!  Love your system and would love to hear about new cables.


I recorded this music with Pap C1 active crossover last night.


It sounds very lively and transparent.


if I use Accuphase F25, it sounds relaxed with slight loss of transparency.


I am taking turns between two different crossovers depending on my mood and music.



It is good to hear your positive experience.


With three Farad power supplies, it is difficult to use expensive PCs.


But I found that even modestly priced PC make some improvement.


With more speed and clarity, the overall balance could sound slightly bright.


You may try more relaxed interconnect rather than super detailed one.


in my case I do use bi amping using acitve crossover( PapC1 and Accuphase F25 are taking turns)


Pap C1 give more lively sound while F25 give more relaxed sound.


Thus I lower the output of treble little bit.


But overalll Farad makes Dave much more dynamic and lively too.


Thus it sounds closer to Ideon Absolute which I had done home audition two months ago.


But I do not claim that Dave + is at the same level as Ideon Absolute yet.


Dave+ will be at the same level or slightly better in details than Ideon Ion.




Congrats on the PSU upgrade. I think the ‘brightness’ should whittle away once they are fully broken (settled) in your amazing system. It’s been a while, let’s catch up soon; perhaps over an audition at my place or yours.

PS: I have a PC that you may like without leaving a big hole in your pocket :-)

Given the Dave’s relatively high price point, I’m sure Chord had good reason to utilize the SMPS. It is interesting however that in various forum discussions, people do report improved sound quality with replacement LPS.


I installed mine last week and it’s been settling in.   Overall I agree with what everyone has said.   It improves everything the Dave does well- depth of soundstage as improved and I’ve noticed increased transparency.  Some lyrics that were smeared before are completely clear.  An excellent upgrade!

I did notice that it brightened my system a bit.  Not sure if that is because of the silver leads that Farad uses or the different powercords I’m using now.  I was using an Audioquest Dragon before but there is no way I can afford afford putting three of those on the DAVE.   

Had anyone installed Farad to your Dave?


If so, please chime in your impression.


As 5 weeks after initial installation, it is the best 3k$ spent on my digital system.


Dave + (with Farad) sounds fuller  with vivid sound.





I had tried isolation transformer on Dave.


It improved the sound significantly.


But with it, I hear some ground hum since they are not grounded in the same earth.


Thus  I stopped using isolation transformer on Dave.





Everything said here about upgrading an SMPS to LPS has been my exact experience. It gives a huge performance boost for comparatively little outlay.

If you have a component that accepts external SMPS input, then try out the Farad or something like the Uptone JS-2 (dual outputs which are voltage switchable).

If you have a favorite component with internal SMPS, get a LPS custom built to slot into the mounting holes of the SMPS.

Purple fuse update for the Farad Supplies on the Dave,

To my ear , more body, better separation and sense of space. If you don't use or believe in fuses- I respect that. Just offering my impressions on my experience.


Now, looking for impressions for those that use a Dave and M scaler- what to expect and if you use any isolation products as well. 



I am using Aurender N30 as source.


After happy home audition of N20, I pulled for N30 instead.


N20 is the best bang for the money.


But N30 give slightly better details and overall balance than N20.



After 4 weeks of burn in, Dave with Farad three power supplies, sounds more detailed and powerful but without slight sibilance which bothered me before.


I am happy with this mod and trying some power cables on three power supplies.


Although Dave with Farad will not reach level of Ideon Absolute yet, but it is close.


After attending Pacific Audio fest, I can not make decision what my next Dac upgrade will be.


Wadax sounds perfect but too expensive with 200k $ or more price tag.


Lampi Horizon and Ideon Absolute are pretty good for the money.


But after having been happy with modified Dave., I may not go for Horizon or Absolute since the improvement will be marginal.



Thanks everyone!  I should receive the PSU the week after next.  I’m looking forward to trying it out.

@rshad0000  I know you will be impressed.

It's not debatable and not a nuance- its obvious.

While isolating the 5V line is a good idea- too much surgery for this DAC I'm capable of doing it but not interested in attacking the board on a product of this level.

Many of my audio experiments over the years have been power supplies- when you get them correct - there is always a positive difference in my experience.


Good luck.

If you decide to upgrade your DAC’s power supply do yourself a favour and also upgrade the 5V USB line on a separate rail. You’ll be pleasantly surprised

@shkong78 ​​​​and @nkj 

Your listening impressions with the LPS change makes plenty of sense to me. I’m hard pressed to think of a case when improving the power supply quality did not result in better sound quality. 

I don’t know why the Chord Dave would be an exception to this type of outcome. I suppose if it was believed that its stock power supply could not be further upgraded/improved. I don’t know what evidence is there to support that idea. Power supply quality is crucial for achieving higher sonic performance.




You wont regret your decision.


I used to use Margules tube pre after Dave to tame slightly thin sound.


But after having Farad power supplies, I can do without tube pre although I still favor the sound through small degree.



Well I took the plunge and ordered a Farad PS for my Chord DAVE.  Fingers crossed!!!

I have ordered purple fuses.. I will report back with the potentially controversial observations, lol.

When I have heard the Mscaler on lesser Chord Dacs I have been suitably impressed by the results. Others here say M-scaler was not positive for them.

I will try to borrow one and see what it is all about with the Dave. I will hear Aries Cerat Kassandra in the next while as well.




I fully agree with your impression.


By the way linear supplies are also sensitive to power cables.



Everything Dave does well is better,

Space, depth, air around instruments- sometimes Dave could be strident or lean- gone.

Well worth the upgrade IMO if you want to keep the Dave. I just got mine used recently so for my all in price it is was worth it.


As an owner of a Dave, what does "Really transformational" mean? What exactly does the Farad improve...detail, dynamics, resolution, bass articulation, etc?






Please let me know how much improvement Syner Purple fuses have on Dave.





I recently installed the Farad power supplies on my Dave.

Really transformational. I will of course try the fuse upgrades next. I am on the hunt for and m scaler now.

The retrofit is very easy and completely reversible if need be.




I’ve been looking at the Ideon Absolute as well as the Playback Designs Dream DAC.  A lot of money for those, but if I can upgrade my DAVE for far less that may be a good option.

I bought a regular package since I can upgrade fuse later.


I found shortcoming of Dave and Mscaler when I compared it with ideon Absolute side by side at home.


Dave gave some sibilance and less decay than Ideon.


I do not have Absolute Ideon right now.


But with linear power supply, it seema to approach 90% of Ideon Absolute.




Did you buy the upgraded furutech and SR fuse with the power supply?  Based on the 3k price you paid I would assume so.

I’ve been very happy with my chord DAVE over the years but your post has me considering an upgrade.


I've owned a PS Audio Directstream, Bricasti M1, Jeff Rowland Aeris, and currently own a Chord Dave DAC. The Dave may have a cheap power supply, but I have yet to hear a DAC in it's price range that I prefer in my system. That being said, I would love to do a direct comparison between the Dave, MSB Premier and Playback Design Edelweiss. At one point I considered the Aries Cerat Helene DAC, but after listening to the Aeris Cerat Incito preamp in my system I'm no longer interested.

Many have reported that the power supply in Dave though small in size, indeed performs well and changing it yields no improvement. That is what Chord’s John Franks says.

Very cheap parts.  Very expensive PR.

I've had similar results buying a low noise LPS for my tiny tripath high-pass amplifier (in a tri-amped system). Much more natural, less grainy, less hash.

More surprising, swapping the iFi audio low noise wall-wart PSU that came with my iFi PDIF iPurifier 2 with a 30$ low noise 5V LPS from aliExpress also gave great improvement, which I didn't expect: more natural, again, less "stringent" upper treble, more depth. 



I had been using Synergistic blue cable which made large improvement over stock cable.


But Farad power supply made much more improvement than Synergistic blue cable


“I’m a big believer in a good power supply”

I share your beliefs 💯 . I am sure the stock power supply performs well but until you have compared a modified Dave with Farad PS side by side, you do not know what you’re missing out. That Farad PS upgrade looks impressive in every conceivable way. When I was shopping for my ultimate DAC, power supply and master clock implementation was right up there along with SQ. My DAC have both standard power supply and external power supply options, you can guess which option I end up with :-)

Even though you’re very satisfied with stock power supply, I highly recommend you consider the Farad upgrade.

Teddy Pardo LPS addition to the NODE is a big improvement. LPS are proven upgrades.

I recently replaced a Sbooster used for a Roon Nucleus with a JS-2 Linear Power Supply (w/Sapphire DC Cable) made by uptown audio. Another case of a real dynamic improvement from a PSU.