Chord Qutest - would you buy it again?

Hi I am close to buying a Chord Qutest.
But before I pull the trigger I want to ask owners of there long term impression of the Qutest.

In short would you buy it today?

If you fell for it it would be nice to know how you feed music into the Qutest
I own the Chord Qutest, amongst other DACs. I bought it because I was super impressed by it and the Magico speakers I was being demoed. I bought mine on another used equipment site in Mint condition. I plan to use it with my Magico A3s. I like the DAC for the four different filters it has which can give you a very detailed sound to 2-3 different warmer rolled off sounds. It’s also an FPGA DAC. There aren’t as many of those around and future firmware upgrades will make it hopefully, even better. It also has high resolution inputs. I also have the Yggdrasil which has no adjustable filters but has a very detailed sound. Chord makes quality products and I am very happy with it. I will likely get an external power supply for it which hopefully will bring a material further improvement. I know the Hugo is supposed to be excellent too. But I didn’t want to pay for the integrated headphone amp that I didn’t need. 
I own the chord 2qute, and its amazing for what it is. I use a Sonore UltraRendu running Roon to connect to the 2qute. Very wide separation and soundstage. With rhythm and detail that will put a smile on your face. The qutest is just a newer model, and would therefore sound atleast as good. 
I also have a Qutest and have been pleased with it.  I think it sounds great.  I have had for > 8 months now.  I use an Innuos Zenmini running Roon and a mix of my music and Tidal.  It is fed into an Audio Hungary APR 203, First Watt F7 and then Rethm Saadhana.  Bliss!
I have owned a 2qute for 6 months. Initially loved it but found myself turning the volume down. Have ordered an Exposure Dac to try seems like a giant killer. Due this weekend. With the Chord I lost all the bottom end. System is Croft epoch elite with twin star 1 power amp, melco streamer and piega classic 40.2. My rega p3 sounds better. Hope this helps. 
You should also consider the Audio-gd R8 with upgrade of Accusilicon clocks. 
I dont think there's any DAC with its price quality ratio.