CIA D200's Vs. Odyssey Stratos Extreme Monos ?

I have heard a great deal about the Channel Island amps. I have the Odyssey Extreme Monos paired with the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE. Wondering if anyone can tell me if they prefer the CIA D200 or D100's over the Odyssey's. I listen to mostly classic rock, all kinds of jazz, and female vocals.

Yea,my first post doesn't make a lot of sense to me either,now that I read it. What I was trying to get across was the comparison would be subjective to the ears of the beholder anyway and probably biased by the owner of either amps.Unless of course you had the chance to demo them side by side with each other. Then again the results would be unfair with so many circumstances envolved like break in time-etc. I could go on and on. As far as the second post,I have a new set of the Odyssey Monoblock Extremes with a bit over a week of break in time on them,so I must give them some more time,but they are coming along very well. I have never heard the CIA amps,but would love to hear from someone that owns or have owned them. There are so many factors when comparing amps that I feel it is virtually impossible to accurately do this. I am driving a pair of B&W 801 Matrix speakers and had been using an Audire Parlando 100wpc class A amp before the Odysseys. The Audire is a very nice amp but seems to fall short on the power,dynamics and control of my particular speaker needs.So for what my needs are the Odysseys are already twice what the Parlando was for me. If I was driving differen speaker this may be a different ball game. I believe this all boils down to synergy of the system.I appologize if I offended anyone in my earlier posts,I guess I don't make a lot of sense when I print my thoughts sometimes. When my new Odyssey monoblocks are fully broke in I can give you more info on them. I have been working around the B&W 801s for about four years now,and I am at about 90-95 percent sonic bliss right now.
While I can't comment on the Odyssey's, I can attempt to at least inject a shred of useful info into this thread.
The Modwright and CIA 200's are really nice together as you've heard. I think they really shine on jazz and vocals, really revealing nuances in the recordings like I've never heard before. Clarity, and separation of instruments outstanding. Frequency extremes all where they should be.
The only criticism I have is very subjective. It does at times sound a bit clinical. It could be the breaking in period. I probably am approaching 150 hrs. I think it sounds slightly warmer through balanced power.
While they lack the warmth my McCormack DNA Gold had, they completely outclassed it in transparency. While I may have previously preferred warm and tube like, I'm leaning more towards revealing qualities in an amp. These CIA 200's are becoming less clinical as I adjust to their presentation and my preconceived notions of what is musical.
Was the Modwright also paired with the McCormack amp?It sounds like the Modwright is a very nice Preamp also. I have to wonder how much credit goes to the modwright and how much to the CIA? Although even if the credit went to the modwright the CIA also deserves credit for its role in allowing it to be passed on.I have my Odyssey extremes paired up with a Audio Experience Symphonies Plus tube preamp that I like very well especially for the money. It's a chinese outfit. I retubed it with some Groove Tube Mullard remakes and it did good things for it if you like lush sound.So what can we gather from this so far?Is the modwright similiar in presentation with the CIA as with the Odysseys? If not,how do they differ?Also,what are we using for source-cd-etc?,and what about speakers? And let's not forget all the inbetween-ICs,Cords,Cables.I built some silver ICs,that made a profound impact over my previous Analysis Plus Copper Ovals.But it's all about Synergy now isn't it!
Musicalmaniac: I'll bet you end up loving the Extremes. They're among the best amps in existence, with very little out there that's better.
The Modwright was paired with the McCormack. Yes, the Modwright deserves a lot of credit. It was obviously more refined and detailed than the CJ 17LS it replaced. The McCormack wasn't able to present what the Modwright was capable of, at least to the same degree as the CIA 200's. Not that the McCormack wasn't an excellent amp in it's own right. There's just no way it could reveal what the CIA's did.
You're right that there are so many variables. Without getting too cerebral, the other factor was Vandersteen 3 Sigs. Since they are characterised as 'warm' and 'forgiving', in my opinion they match very well with more revealing, transparent amps and pre's. This is what I'm discovering. It's very non fatiguing, and I'm hearing layers in the recordings and subtle details for the first time. I can only compare it to going from standard definition to HDTV. Doubt if I can go back to a veiled existence.