CJ preamp upgrade suggestions

I'm currently considering upgrading my PR16LS2 to one of the following: ET5, ACT2S2 or GAT (the GAT would be a stretch). My system consists of an Esoteric K-03, CJ PR16LS2, CJ LP140M monoblocks, Focal Electra 1008 BE monitors, JL Audio F110 sub, Siltech IC and SC, Running Springs Haley power conditioner and Acoustic Zen Gargantua and Krakatoa PC. Our listening room is 20x22 feet with 9 foot ceilings. We listen mostly to jazz and love vocals and acoustic instruments. Periodically we listen to classic rock and larger scale classical music. I'm at an age where I intend this to be my final set of system upgrades. Your thoughts are appreciated.
My GAT arrived yesterday and I have about 30 hours on it. I'm surprised by how good it sounds already and also how it's midrange retains the musical qualities and ease of the 16LS2 it's replaced. I was hoping that would be the case and I'm pleased. The GAT also is displaying its superiority in terms of dynamics, extension at the high and low ends and greater clarity and detail. From what I've read, it will begin to really blossom around 170-200 hours and then continue to improve for another 300-500 hours.
The GAT now has approximately 280 hours of play time. As sources I've used our cable company's music channel signal, a system break-in disk that came with my Esoteric K-03 player and a variety of music played on the K-03. As expected the GAT has improved significantly. In comparison to the 16LS2 it is more quiet, far more resolving and dynamic, the bass is deeper and more coherent, highs seem more extended and are more detailed, the midrange is even more effortless, the soundstage is wider, deeper and more 3 dimensional. Music emerges from a "blacker" background and instrument and vocal images exist in their own space. Also, the absence of grain is noteworthy.
I've ordered some Stillpoint Mini Ultras that should arrive next week. I'm currently using a Symposium Segue shelf and RollerBlock Juniors under the GAT. The Stillpoints will replace the RollerBlocks under the GAT and I will install four Stillpoints under the K-03 and the LP140M monos. I'll move the RollerBlocks under my RSA Haley power conditioner. So far, I'm pleased. I also will be adding a second 20 amp dedicated circuit to power the LP140Ms within the next month.
Future projects will be to experiment with other tubes, resonance control shelves and room acoustics. I'd be pleased to receive the thoughts of others that have experience in these areas. Thanks.
Mfoley3, warmest congratulations.

I run a similar system with CJ GAT, ART Monoblocks and the Diablo Utopia also.

Coincidently, I also use Stillpoint Mini Ultras under the GAT.

If you are looking for a more liquid and airy sound, consider using Telefunken E88CCs for the GAT. Provided you don't have a microphonics problem, I've also found removing the supplied tube damping rings to be helpful.
Hi Erictech, thank you for your response. I'm very happy to connect with someone having experience with a system similar to mine! A couple of follow-on questions: 1. In the area of tube rolling, I'm a complete newbie and any info. is particularly appreciated. Did you experiment with other tube types and also can you recommend a reliable source? 2. Have you tried a platform under your GAT? 3. I'm currently using an Acoustic Zen Gargantua power cord on the GAT and the stock cords on the LP140Ms. Have you experimented with the power cords for your GAT and ART monos?
Thanks again!
Nicely done Mfoley.

Did you get any chance to demo an ART3 pre-amp. A little dated, I know. I would love to hear one of those wonderful CJ pre-amps. Keep us posted as your GAT breaks-in. Happy Listening.