Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.

OK, caps are in my left speaker only. And they are hacked in with jumper cables.

I like to change caps on one side only sometimes, it helps me figure out what the real differences are by what now sounds muted.

This will probably change over next 48 hours... but...

First impressions are this cap has a lot more extension, which makes the MR sound dark by comparison, and has tons more air.

Some of this is normal to a new cap. What matters is what happens by Tuesday. :)

When the parts arrive from Parts Connexion (probably Friday) I'll rebuild both sides and give you all an update.


thank you erik,
we wait your review when cmr will hase a good burn in....i know that they need at least 200 hours.

about the more extention do mean hights or bass or both ?
if is only on higths this may be critic on metal dome tw or more open tw
do you agree?
Cymballs sound more prominent now.

I want to wait for a few days before assessing that this is a real difference.

I think there are some fantastic sounding metal dome's. They don't all have the oil-can resonance that characterized so much of the metal domes of the 1980's 1990's.  Few of these are in commercial speakers though... ( Zing! ) hahahah> :)

The AMT tweets I am using are superbly open. Measurably flat and lacking of compression of distortion.


So less than 24 hours in I really don't like the change. Yes, there's more air, but it's due to an exaggerated treble IMHO. It has the treble hype of the top end Mundorf's without their glass smoothness.

More later.

Also, to anyone doing capacitor comparisons, it is WAY easier to do them by replacing them in only one channel than both.

This actually reminds me a little of Carver's approach to amplifier comparison.

It would be really interesting to build a test bed to compare 2 film caps to each other simultaneously, then use that to record the delta between them in terms of performance using actual music.

I'm a genius. It needs a catchy name and a sponsor.
