Class D at low volume


How do class D amps behave at low volume levels?  My question is general rather than related to a particular amp.  I know there are exceptions, but as a rule, SET’s and class A SS excel at low volume.  What about class D?  Is low volume performance of class D predetermined, all else being equal? Do class D amps have a comfort zone?  Do they distort more at low volume or is it uniform throughout?  For the purpose of this question I am only referring to analog input amps and not the ones that take in PCM (e.g. NAD M2).

The second part of my question is as follows.  I’m interested in some higher end commercial class D amps from the likes of lab.gruppen, powersoft, mc2, XTA, etc. due to their network-ability as in, I can control them, DSP them, and stream digital, all via RJ45, at the same time dispensing with all the extra boxes and cables.  But, they are all of very high power from 100‘s to 1000‘s of watts.  Does this mean that in a domestic setting at low volume they operate much closer to their noise floor or is this different with class D?

Thanks to everyone who answered. It sounds like class D could be the way to go. I think I can answer the second part of my question: 1000-watt pro amps will be too noisy on Klipsch Forte II at low volume no matter the topology.
Thanks Pavpet,

"I've been into high end audio since 1970,and these class d amps wyred for sound and nuprime/nuforce are killing my very expensive WYETECH ruby"

How long have you been listening to wyred? Where do wyetechs fail in comparison?
Tim very well spoken , at low volumes is like having a loudness control , as they seem to fit in any situation there called for , i have very expensive monoblocks in the SET WYETECH LAB RUBIES ZERO FEEDBACK , 36 RMS , AND NOW PICKED UP A PAIR OF WYRED FOR SOUND 1000 WATT MONOBLOCKS , AND THE BASS AND DETAIL ON THE CLASS D AMPS GIVES THE SET AMPS OR PUSH PULL AMPS A HUGE RUN FOR THE MONEY , I WISH IT WERENT SO , BUT HEARING IS BELIEVING
Listening to wyred for the last month , difference between wyred and wytech ruby mono blocks , wyred $2995 , ruby $25000 , can't pick out the differences they are that close ,doing A B tests for 3 weeks nothing stands out in either one , will keep trying