emb: D class will never be as good as A or a well done AB or a great tube amp.
I understand your point of view. I use switching amplifiers yet I listen with tube amplifiers which is why I respond to statements like yours from time to time.
I grew up with vacuum tube amplification, suffered through the infancy of early solid state and realized my beloved Ayre V-1xe was aging out after years of continuos use. I purchaced the inexpensive the PS Audio HCA-2 before its review purely as a stopgap but became enamored by its virtues which tube or linear solid state simply can't touch. I've had a switcher in the house ever since.
Yes, most switching amplifiers have a fundamentaly different presentation. In my case a pair of originally offered Hypex nCore 400s fastened to a hunk of 6/4 Maple that drive my studio monitors with amazing clarity, transparency, and seemingly unaffected by gain (within reason). As you say it would take a "great" as in $$$ to approach this type of presentation. What my $1248. plus shipping gets me is a plate glass view into my small world of mixing.
Even though I prefer listening to my all tube analog system the Hypex design was a huge sonic leap in switching amplification which IMO has taken yet another huge step up. I just heard one of my home made files played through an Anthem pre/pro processor feeding a 200 watt ATI Class D driving some Joseph Audio floor standing speakers.
bakaolvb, read the Kalman Rubinson review in the March Stereophile. Morris Kessler's work speaks for itself.