Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
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I wish Elizabeth had been here a couple of days ago when I incorporated a second Clock into the mix. I don't think anyone would have missed the improved sense of transparency, the rich sonority, and soundstaging depth that the second unit provided. A third unit is on its way while I'm devouring everything I can read on P.W.B. technique.
I wish Elizabeth had been here a couple of days ago when I incorporated a second Clock into the mix. I don't think anyone would have missed the improved sense of transparency, rich sonority, and soundstage depth that the second unit provided. A third unit is now on its way.

Egocentric bullshit detectors abound. Despite widespread problems with accuracy, they still tend to score quite high in consumer satisfaction polls. ;-)
Elizabeth, I am sure everyone trusts your bs meter. I do; to be b---s---.