I couldn’t wait for Spotify HiFi any longer, so I picked back up a Qobuz sub, and I also picked up a Roon sub over the weekend. This is my first time using Roon, and I wish I had been using it for the last couple years. It’s a nice interface. Roon also did a good job simplifying the task of hosting a local server (the Roon Core), which I put on the laptop. Anyway, Roon is a different discussion.
As far as sound quality goes, I am happy with the sound again, playing losses files. But I’m not sure I can say the sound is better, or even much different, than what I had prior. With about a 1-1.5 months since I last played lossless files via Qobuz, I think there was too much time in-between to judge. Plus, I’m dealing with at least a few variables in addition to the new coax cable--namely, the modem and other equipment are now sitting on home-brew isolation boards, and I’m playing Qobuz over Roon rather than BubbleUPNP. At some point, I may A-B test Roon and Bubble to see if I can hear a difference since that’s simple to A-B test. I’ll wait to A-B test the coax cable replacement, which sits between the wall and the modem, once I get more time on the new copper core cable. If I do end up hearing a difference between coax cables, I may consider replacing the coax cable in the attic too. We'll see.