Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.

@rwanda please do let us know how they go. Don't leave us hanging, as so often happens with these threads...
i will follow up...Frank is actually making the pair for me now....and keeping me informed with images.....i expect they will arrive soon and then need some "break-in" time. i ordered the 10" version as that was what I thought fit my room previous speakers were Blumenhofer FS3..and 8" I expect this will be a nice surprise, though the FS were fantastic as well.
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Hello I am awaiting delivery of the new speakers...I had to be overseas for work for 5 weeks then a move so I asked Frank to make them and then to burn them in....I heard back that they are sounding wonderful and are being shipped this week. Once I have had some time with them I will let you know my thoughts.....I told Frank no rush when I ordered them as I knew I would be away.....