Coleman Hawkins

I have several albums from tenor saxophonists  Ben Webster, Stan Getz, etc., accompanied by string orchestra. I want to know if Coleman Hawkins did any work accompanied by a string orchestra or not. I did a search, but didn't see any such albums. So I am not sure if he ever played accompanied by strings. Appreciate your replies.


I have two Colman Hawkins CD's. "The Ultimate Coleman Hawkins As Selected By Sonny Rollins," and "The Genius Of Coleman Hawkins." Both on the Verve label. I just did a quick review of both and did not pick up strings on any arrangement. A lot of piano accompaniment and sometimes guitar. -Scott


Appreciate your reply. While many sax players did recordings accompanied by string orchestras, Hawkins did not. At least according to one of my friends and a jazz record collector/seller. He said Hawkins did one with a string orchestra, but it was not very good compared others such as Webster, Parker, Clifford Brown, Stan Getz, etc. I suppose that opportunity didn't come his way or may be he wasn't interested. That aside, man has performed some of the best ballads ever done in that medium without a string orchestra! Thanks again.   

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