"It sounds like you like "cool" or "smooth" jazz"
I very much dislike anything that begins to sound like phoned in "elevator" jazz. If Kind of Blue by Davis is cool than that is what I like. But I also listen to everything from Anthony Braxton to Roscoe Mitchell To Masubumi Kikuchi, so it doesn't have to be simple or smooth. I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. I have most of the Coltrane stuff...and about 30 Miles Davis cd's. I guess another way to ask what I am looking for is: If you had to pick one or two masterpiece, must have albums by a jazz icon, which would it be? In other words, which Adderly album, which Hancock, which Monk, Silver, Mingus, Rollins, ad infinitum. Mostly from the 60's and 70's as that is an era that I don't know much about with jazz (Too busy listening to Steppenwolf and Jefferson Airplane!). I want to thank everyone for their suggestions so far...I am making a list! Thanks, Jim
"It sounds like you like "cool" or "smooth" jazz"
I very much dislike anything that begins to sound like phoned in "elevator" jazz. If Kind of Blue by Davis is cool than that is what I like. But I also listen to everything from Anthony Braxton to Roscoe Mitchell To Masubumi Kikuchi, so it doesn't have to be simple or smooth. I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. I have most of the Coltrane stuff...and about 30 Miles Davis cd's. I guess another way to ask what I am looking for is: If you had to pick one or two masterpiece, must have albums by a jazz icon, which would it be? In other words, which Adderly album, which Hancock, which Monk, Silver, Mingus, Rollins, ad infinitum. Mostly from the 60's and 70's as that is an era that I don't know much about with jazz (Too busy listening to Steppenwolf and Jefferson Airplane!). I want to thank everyone for their suggestions so far...I am making a list! Thanks, Jim