Compaing the ESS AMT ! and the JBL L100 speakers

A long time ago I heard a pair of ESS amt1 speakers and was really impressed. I'm in a position now to upgrade A LITTLE. What is available currently that is sonically better then these speakers for around the $1,500 price point for a pair ( or a LITTLE) more.
I like the JBL’s (new ones) better than the ESS. The ESS sounded either hollow, or bright & hot depending. Could never get them to sound coherent in my room.
They had great bass but that’s about it. (In my room)
I'll agree with telescope. IMHO the L100 is the best speaker JBL makes. I do not like the ESS tweeter at all. Too bright and etchy. Some might mistake this for detail.  
I own a pair of the new JBL L100 Classics. They were a little disappointing at first and compared to my brothers L100A’s, don’t go as deep in the bass. The treble on the new L100 are much better, not piercing anymore. I had to add a SVS subwoofer and a 4 band Bellari EQ to be happy with the new L100 Classics. It took me a month to dial in the sound, but now I am very happy.

I haven’t heard the ESS at all so can’t comment. You should definitely listen before you buy. I didn’t with the JBL and wish I did as I wouldn’t have bought them. When you factor in the $4K for the speakers, $300 for the stands, $1K for the sub, $150 for the EQ, you are up to $5450. I could have gotten a great used pair of Legacy speakers from AC for a little less but they don’t come with orange grills.😂
L100 are JBLs but they are not what JBL is known for.

J arrays and the Everest series are JBLs.. Big difference. L100s are fun, great for a smaller room.

As for the bass on the new L100s, it takes a good month to have GOOD bass from that speaker. I listen to two different pairs at two different times.. Both pairs it took a month of playing to break them in and get the new crossovers sounding good..

Like the mids were wired out of phase and then slowly over the next month or so, started sounding more and more time correct. The highs had a slight sibilance with valve amps for 50 hours or so.. It took 100+ hours to sound right and no sub was needed in small rooms 10x12 or smaller.

They weren't "out of the box" great... BUT they sure are something to work with and a lot better tweeter setup than before..

ESS, love the ESS topper that's about it.. I've used them more than once on projects.. I like a good AMT.. Close in performance to a good Ribbon.
Nothing faster or better than that..
