Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?

Thinking about the many different companies, brands and

High end- Krell, Bryston, Ayre, etc
Popular- Pioneer Elite, Sony, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo, etc
Smaller-(purists) Butler Audio, Odyssey, Red Wine, etc
Good reputation- Marantz, Sunfire, Arcam, McIntosh

Do you have a brand that you are loyal to? If so, please state why you are? Sound? Quality? Service? etc
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Sonus Faber - The sound is AWESOME & the look is FABULOUS!
VAC - The build quality & the sound - I have some of Kevin's best work ever.
Denon Receiver & Universal player for HT - They work great together.
Pioneer Elite Pro Plasma - Simply the best picture.
Eggleston Works - Great sound for HT & almost impossible to tip over.
Absolutely agree about ECM records. Also Speakers Corner vinyl releases sound stunning.
As for manufacturers--Audio Research for outstanding customer service over the years (I've owned one or more of their products over the past 22 years). Also recommend Quad for customer service.