A lot of good choices there... I liked all of them except ProAc (the floorstanders I heard were way too dark for my tastes, and some detail was missing that I am used to). I would add Spendor also to your list of "Britsh classics." They probably are my favorites from the UK...
As for a "winner," I guess it really comes down to personal tastes. In my case, I would probably narrow it down to the Tylers and the Salks (not to imply that the others aren't also very worthy and merit consideration as well). Woodworking-wise, the Salks have it (absolutely beautiful speakers by all accounts, even as good looking as the Tylers are, I don't think any speakers can compete to my tastes)... Sound-wise the Tyler's midrange and bottom-end were a tad more to my liking (Linbrook Signature System) and I bought them accordingly -- but I really loved the Salks too and can easily recommend them. You really can't lose with those two, IMO. The value for the money on both brands is quite impressive.
As for a "winner," I guess it really comes down to personal tastes. In my case, I would probably narrow it down to the Tylers and the Salks (not to imply that the others aren't also very worthy and merit consideration as well). Woodworking-wise, the Salks have it (absolutely beautiful speakers by all accounts, even as good looking as the Tylers are, I don't think any speakers can compete to my tastes)... Sound-wise the Tyler's midrange and bottom-end were a tad more to my liking (Linbrook Signature System) and I bought them accordingly -- but I really loved the Salks too and can easily recommend them. You really can't lose with those two, IMO. The value for the money on both brands is quite impressive.