@unreceivedogma I agree concerning the VPI 19-4 and my main table since 2006, the VPI TNT VI, probably a lifetime quality construction (and simple too). My best friend has a VPI Scout and it did have a flat worn out bearing. He had an expert firm specializing in restoration (I don't remember the name) who retrofitted it with a more durable equivalent.
Otherwise, I have not serviced my extreme modified SME IV. It has been epoxy sealed at both ends so there's not much I could or want to do. Analog still provides me with such pleasurable sound that it's digital that's gaining on it (pending delivery of my Lampizator Poseidon to elevate my digital to the same cost as my analog front end). I keep my Legacy Signature IIIs in my living room system now nearly 30 years old-nothing as good at it's $1500-$2000 price, maybe not to $10K). The Koetsu Rosewood Signature I heard was fabulous, so lovely on acoustic music. I may buy either than or a Hana Umami Red in the future but I love the Dynavector 20X2 L (comparable for so many listeners loving the Denon 103R).
Most new listeners to my home are flabbergasted at the quality of the sound (and performances) even when I had my Legacy Focuses which I found faults with.