Excellent suggestion. I was a lurker here for over a year before recently becoming an active participant for exactly the reason you discuss. I didn't want to waste people's time asking questions that had been asked a hundred times before. The archives are immensely useful, but it isn't exactly easy sometimes to navigate through the maze of threads to get the info you need. Why not start with some of the basics for the folks making the transition from mass market equipment? How about these for a start:
1) Concise description of basic speaker wiring configurations (single, biwire, triwire, shotgun, etc.)
2) Amp setups (vertical and lateral biamp, etc.)
3) pros and cons of no preamp vs passive preamp vs active preamp
4) discussion of how speaker sensitivity, amp power, and spl output relate to each other
That ought to be good for a start...And BTW...Thanks! Many of your posts have been incredibly helpful.