Computer Speakers - $200 -$300 price range

Could members suggest great sound in the price range? Don't need a sub. Considering Audioengine A5 or P4, and maybe the Klipsch Pro Media.
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Definitely Audioengine. I've owned the Klipsch Pro-media and Audioengine A2's. The Pro-media has a sub, so you get the low end, but the satellites are harsh and thin sounding and it's hard to get a cohesive sound across the whole spectrum.

The A2's are much more refined and natural sounding and actually sound like music instead of computer speakers. Add a used Energy ESW-8 and you'll still be under $300 (I got one on Agon for $75), and have a system MUCH better than the Klipsch.

I would hold out for the Magnepans computer speakers
when they are ready
They should put the hurt on all of the above.
Cheers Johnnyr