Computer updated and now Roon is blocked

My windows 10 laptop updated by Microsoft and now I can't get Roon past the initial icon for Roon. I tried a few "allow" setting on my computer and they both are set on allow private and public. I don't where to look next. The community board on Roon was no help, so I decided to ask here. Thx

Ag insider logo xs@2xjeffex00

I would also try using a program called CCleaner, to wipe out any previous programs. 

If Windows upgraded, then there should be a restore point that you could revert the PC back to a point where Roon worked.

FWIW, I haven't had any issue with MS updates and Roon. I would look at the Windows firewall settings. Roon should be listed and you can see if it is allowed or not.


thanks, I'll try everybody's suggestions and let you guys know if I can get it working

Well I tried all the above suggestions and it has not worked.

Yes, I'm using my HP laptop as my Roon core and my Bricasti M3 is my endpoint. It used to work real well.

Any other suggestions before I buy a Nuc or a new computer?