Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
Ha, you know how much I like to rip cd's! I would rather relax in a dentist
chair and have another crown put in :)
My interpretation is his purchasing decision was solely base on JA's opinion with special emphasizes on JA as someone special.

Actually he asked my opinion as well and I am sure a few more people. Again, I thought his point was clear. Asking Atkinson was more about the guy using the player himself as opposed to being someone special, which personally I think he is as far as someone who works for an audiophile magazine.

I communicate with many professional reviewers but never base a purchasing decision on any ONE.

Well maybe you're the special ONE.
Actually he asked my opinion as well and I am sure a few more people.
Well, it that case, I totally understand. How dare I? I never saw your name in his post so I would DEMAND credit from him for the purchasing decision.
Well maybe you're the special ONE.
I knew we will finally agree!
Again, I thought his point was clear.
Again, I had a different interpretation. Who think he's the special one now?
08-08-14: Grannyring
Ha, you know how much I like to rip cd's! I would rather relax in a dentist
chair and have another crown put in :)
what are you doing on a COMPUTER? Does you computer run off a CD real time? Get off the computer, go outside and get some exercise.
Actually, I posed the question to JA after having read every review of the Ayre and post concerning it I could find. I knew from his reviews that JA listed the Ayre as a source and that he had written about excellent quality audio downloaded from computer, and I do value his opinion among those of others. My question to JA was along the line has computer audio made the search for a superb disc player a no op.

Nearly all the equipment I've bought has been used, so it's usually not possible to listen before buying. But what was so annoying to me was the assumption, no assertion, that I bought anything based solely on a single opinion. That's too far, as are universal conclusions based on particular premises, e.g., all these are better than all those, a flaw in basic logic.

maybe I can read some stuff like that in the absolute sound, I just subscribed after many years of absence, I always get a kick out of something crazy that is talked about out of an audio magazine, keeps me from tring to post a comment, ha,ha, little humor!, the funny thing is, I did re-subscribe.