Conditioning/Burn-In Method

Potentially controversial subject matter ahead. Thus post is recommended for mature audiences only. If you're in the school of thought that cables are voodoo, this post is not for you, please move among.

Now, to business.

I'm in the process of working in a set of Signal Cable Silver Resolution XLR interconnects between my DAC, Preamp and Amplifier. So far, I probably have only 20 hours or so of play, and if memory serves, Frank recommends 60 hours or more. Given the difference in amplitude from DAC to Preamp, and from Preamp to Amplifier, do you guys think it might be worth swapping them out (rotating them) to help balance and perhaps accelerate the process?

Thanks in advance!

Either one would be fine, but again, just make sure that with the 4 ohm 100 watt resistor you don’t turn the volume control up so high that it gets hot.

For that matter, though, using the 4 ohm 100 watt resistor might be preferable to using the 300 watt 8 ohm resistor because if the lower powered resistor is not getting hot it would provide you with assurance that you are not overdriving and clipping the amp.

-- Al
I'm running a pair of Martin Logan reQuests which are 4ohms, so I figure  one of the loads that's 300W at 4Ohm should do nicely to mimic the speakers.  Thanks!
If you don't have a cable cooker, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music as others have suggested.
@lak I think you missed the part where I wrote a couple times that I WORK FROM HOME and can't run speakers at volume for 200 hours.