Conrad Johnson Premier 12, how powerful?

I've read in several places that the CJ Premier 12 is not great for inefficient speakers. This is surprising given that they're rated 140 wpc. How inefficient is inefficient? I have Opera Callas monitors, which are 87 db. Is this inefficient? I'm trying to find a tube amp, but power is very important. I don't like merely 'adequate' power.
In general I would say they would have plenty of power but of course volume level, type of music and room size and accoustics all enter into the equation.

Unless you are planning to use the speakers in an auditorium, the CJ Premier 12s have plenty of power for that speaker.
I am driving Gallo Ref3 speakers (88dB sensitivity) with a pair of C-J Premier 12 monoblocks. They provide PLENTY of power, even for loud rock music. I am not familiar with the Opera Callas monitors. But there is more to efficiency than the sensitivity rating of the speakers. If your speakers present a difficult impedance load, a tube amp may have trouble providing adequate current. The C-J 12's are powerful and beautiful-sounding amps. But with your emphasis on power, I suspect you'll be happier with a high-current solid-state or class D amp.
I'm seconding Tantra's post. The 87db sensitivity will not present a problem. I'm using the cj Premier 11a (70 watts) with 91db speakers. However, neither amp is the ideal choice for a speaker with a challenging impedance curve.