NOT long ago someone mentioned the cj PREMIER 5's tube monoblocs, out of curiosity i made a few phone calls regarding these amps. TO make the long story short,I FOUND a pair,talk about tube magic, the amps where last made in 1989,uses EL34's for output stage 8 each. 200 watts in ultra linear mode.I have since sold my PREMIER 12's. preamp source is a cj 17LS,digital is a RESOLUTION AUDIO CD 50, SPEAKERS are JM LAB MEZZOS.if you love cj tube amps,don't spend a dollar until you hear these.ANY PREMIER 5's owners comments.
Haven't heard the Prem 5's, but I do own Manley Ref 250 mono's which use 10 EL34 per chassis. I recently replaced Sovtek's with Svetlana's and thought it a significant improvement. You can get more power from 6550/KT90 types, but for my money, EL34's are the way to go.
Glad you use a Resolution Audio CD50. I just love mine to death! I prefer mine without a preamp. I'm not a "tube guy" yet, but plan to get a cheap tube amp for kicks.
GTs87, how does the Premier 5 better the Premier 12? I currently own and love the Premier 12 (with KT90's) but could use more power for my Sonus Faber Extremas, could the Premier 5 be the answer? I'd love 8A's but can't afford them for now. Thanks in advance for your reply.
HELLO,JMAN I'll start by saying both amps are wonderfull,in trying the premier 12's in both ultra linear and triode,i had a hard time deciding which mode i triode i lost have the power but the midrange and treble where just magic,in ultralinear the bass control was alot tighter and defined.THIS is where the PREMIER 5's take the lead,you get 200watts per side of EL34 tube magic,while mantaining very good bass control.THE EXTREMAS need a lot of power to sound their best.I heard them with the PREMIER 8a,it was incredible,one of the best speaker-amp combinations i've heard.IN my opinion the extremas and PREMIER 5's would make a fantastic combo.good luck.
I have completed my a/b test of the CJ PREMIER 8A AND 5. THE premier 5's are 95 percent of the $17000 dollar 8a's. I found the 8a's had better definition and articulation in the BASS department,in turn having better control over the loudspeakers.THE premier 5's are incredible given a used market price of around $3000,IT's a no brainer.I'am keeping these for a long time,or until i hit the lottery and buy the premier 8a's.