Consensus Audio heaven

Has anyone else been fortunate enough to hear the superb Consensus Audio speakers in action?!

Having recently heard the extremely low priced Magma and also the Conspiracy models I was totally taken aback by their cohesiveness, guessing mainly due to using ceramic speakers throughout for synergised voicing throughout the frequencies rather than mix and matching as many makers do.
Having liked the Lumen Whites but felt they were left wanting (especially in the bass), this new design from Stefan Fekete is something that improves on the Lumens tenfold - they are a breed apart and for my money are the finest speakers I've ever heard, regardless of cost - and believe me I've heard many.
If anyone else has tried them I would love to hear your feedback too. I personally went the extra mile and plumped for the Conspiracy model, and cannot wait until the day I can afford the awe inducing Statements!
Firebird, have you compared Tidal speakers? Same ceramic units, There is no distributor of both in my country, I am thinking to buy blindly either Tidal Contriva SE or Consensus Conspiracy?
Quanmer, I was in the same boat not long ago and after few auditions with Tidal speakers I finally decide to go for the Contriva SE with build in Argento Flow Master Reference cables and top crossover, the ceramic drivers from Accuton in Tidal speakers are specially builded under Tidal specifications.
Gferrari, a pair of Tidal Contriva Diacera SE is on the way to Taiwan, will share with you when they were here.
One friend has Marten Coltrane, we will compare these two as well.
Gferrari, I have audit both, pleasr see my post here :

I got interested reading about this brand, only to find out that Consensus Audio is no longer in business.... Their site is down and it was said elsewhere on 'gon that the company stopped (Frankpiet?).

There are Conspiracies popping up used / ex demo for close to 1/3rd of former list price (in Euro & in Europe that is). Sounds like a bargain? Also, anyone know what the 'L' version is and why there are different floor plates around?

Also, it seems there is a new brand "Artos Audio" ( that carries the exact same line of loudspeaker models, with new name & badge only. The US importer seems to have swapped 'brands' (Consensus => Artos) the same.....

Anyone have the entire story?

Will buying a used Consensus allow for repairs (not presumed under warranties) to be undertaken by Artos, if I need, say, a replacement driver (since they are said to be bespoke / not standard Accuton). That would make buying a mint & used Consensus model very worth while....