Considering used towers under $1000..

I’m thinking about purchasing towers used, I’d like to keep under $1000. Some that repeatedly pop up are Tekton M-lores, and Silverline preludes, among others.

Your experience with the above, or any other suggestions?

(Room is 22 x18, hardwood floors. Power is Rotel RA1070 integrated, 100w per side at 8 ohms, Onkyo CD player, model 7030 I believe)
A used pair of Thiel 2 2's will cost you less than $1000.  I'd be surprised if they didn't satisfy you.
Sonus grand piano....   my dad has had a pair for a long time and they still sound great... can be had for around 1k
I’d add Wharfedale diamond 10.7 new for less than $1000 to your list for consideration. I have a pair and absolutely love them. Order them from music direct for a 60-day trial
We are the dealer with the Gershmans we also have a pair of Kef r900 new $1800

Demo $850
They are a bit of a stretch over your $1000 budget but you may be able to get a listen to a Tekton speaker. This listing on Audiomart is in Chicago for the Pendragons ($1300)