Don : Do you think that these kind of music lovers/audiophiles buy or bought their cartridges because the cartridge coil wire type/kind?, no way almost no one decides on a cartruige thinking on that specific characteristic because it's just unimportant against the whole cartridge design.
@slaw obviously as you said it's not a reference debate because there is no true reference about. We are just audiophiles not cartridge designers that are the ones that probably have something to say but I'm not sure they could have a debate about because ( again ) the whole desig/sum of the parts is the really important ( what it counts. ) main issue.
@slaw obviously as you said it's not a reference debate because there is no true reference about. We are just audiophiles not cartridge designers that are the ones that probably have something to say but I'm not sure they could have a debate about because ( again ) the whole desig/sum of the parts is the really important ( what it counts. ) main issue.