Coputer or NAS

In the last few month I started to use in my system Logitech Squeeze box Touch with my work laptop computer and external hard drive. Recently I purchase a DAC(PS Audio Nuwave) and I want to have a dedicated computer or NAS for the system. My goal is to use computer/NAS, SBT, DAC, and Use the Ipad as a remote. Since I’m not a computer guy, I have few basic questions:
1.I’m not familiar with NAS, and I wanted to ask if it’s mandatory to use computer with NAS, or can I use only NAS.
2. My DAC support files up to 24/192 kHz. Does the computer/NAS need to be connected to the SBT or can the computer/NAS be in a different room and transfer 24/192 files using WiFi?
A NAS is a computer and has an operating system. As long as the device you are using can connect to it over a network, has the software to provide an interface to choose items from the NAS like JRiver or an Oppo 103/105 you should be all set. It will be a learning curve so expect to get frustrated. But once done it is a lot of fun.
I see. I'm not sure if the Logitech Squeesbox has the interface to choose the item from the NAS. I'll have to read more about it.
Thank you for your answer.
If you are going to use a DAC you may have to use a computer so you can use the digital or USB outputs to your DAC. I do not know if you can play Hires from a NAS connected via a network directly. I have not tried it with my Oppo yet. I will try it this weekend and inform you when done. So all this means is it depends on the equipment you are connecting to the network is smart enough.
You right. I'll use either digital or USAB output from the Logitech to the DAC, and I'm hoping that the Logitech can recive the Hires files via the network. I'm looking forward to hear if it works with your Oppo.
The NAS is easier to maintain and a must if you want to use central storage or stream other media like movies.
Some NAS come with bundled software for the Logitech like the Synology. A great value/money is their DS212j (2 bay storage) that currently comes up nowadays for $160. Pop in some fast HDDs (best to use the red version), start the Logitech Media Server and you're done! The SBT should be best connected wired to avoid rebuffering on hirez files (if they are installed in different rooms). If you dont want to put new wires, you can try the Ethernet-on-powerlines adapters; a starter set (two of them) cost around $60-70.

A dedicated (modern) PC is faster but you need to have them in the same room. I recommend using JRiver and JRemote.
I have this solution for my HT room but not for the 2 ch listening room where silence is appreciated.
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