Cremona M

Thinking about buying pair of Cremona M , what is your opinion since they are older model ? I would drive them with McIntosh MA 252 …
RAMONA X is better

FWIW Sonus Faber is the brand. Most know the brand.Cremona the model.  Every model is hard to keep up with, especially since I'm not looking for speakers
I was waiting for a pair of those to come up for sale locally....they rarely show up used.   Great speaker ....
I bought a used pair about ten years ago as an experiment. After attending the symphony regularly I was no longer happy with my planar speakers. It began a real love affair with Sonus Faber. A couple upgrades later I have Amati Traditional… see my systems by clicking on my user I’d.

I personally do not like Mac… real lack of detail and very heavy on bass… but many people do. It is all about personal taste.
it all depends what type of sound you're looking for, can you elaborate ? 

SF cremona M are older and have classic SF warm sound 

they will sound even warmer with a Mac, which is fine if that's what you like 

I have SF elipsa SE with SS Mac and I love it

If you can afford a higher SF then go for it, try SF Stradivarius, it is a legend.