Crutchfield's Speaker Compare

Hey everyone, for those in the market for new speakers, Crutchfield now has something called "Speaker compare", in which you can select up to 4 speakers and make sound comparisons online using your computer and a pair of headphones. Although not all the speakers models are available for audition at the moment, a lot are, and I think it’s a great alternative for those (like me) who cannot audition speakers in person. You can compare several songs at the same volume or at the same wattage. I am not associated with Crutchfield at all. I think it’s a great tool and a good start!
Cheers y’all!
"All speakers sound the same,don't they?"
The world according to kenjit.
Crutchfield's idea seems interesting, if nothing else, but I could not get past the headphone selection. I do not have any of the headphones (earphones) they require.
@glupson. I did not have any of the headphones on the list, but it did not matter. I chose one of the same brand as mine and the tests I did comparing the speakers I have at home resulted in very accurate results in terms of speaker characteristics. I don't think choosing a headphone will affect much the results. Pick the one closer to the one you have...or run the comparisons with different headphones from their list and see what happens. not everything has to be perfect, IMO.


I am curious about this feature as it defies simple logic that it should not work. They do not have my speakers, but they have another pair I am very familiar with. They definitely do not have my room in the headphones, either. Nice game, maybe it works somehow. I will try.