Current quality of Rune

I did some searching and didn't find any recent posts about Roon. I want to try streaming with my new dac which is made to work with Roon. 

I'm able to stream with Audivarna which I had used previously. It sounds good, but there is a glitch that causes loud static when switching songs. After lots of Googling, I've failed to come up with a fix. 

I'll do the free trial and try Roon, but I wanted to get people's opinion on Roon. I've read that the interface is one of the best. Is it reliable? Good sound quality?  I've read that Audivarna sounds better, but those could be old comments. 


“I could swear it's a little softer sounding than my Innuos streamer.”

Rightfully so…your Innuos is a purpose built streamer designed to sound best with its proprietary Sense app. Just like Aurender is designed to sound best with its proprietary Conductor app. Roon functionality with Innuos, Aurender and Lumin is an added convenience. In contrast, if you listen to Grimm, Merging, Pink Faun, Taiko which are optimized for Roon experience, you will find Roon is anything but soft or recessed. My Merging Roon player competes favorably with any $50K Vinyl front end. 

@sls883  I have found the secret to great SQ in Roon is to turn off any equalization or volume control in Roon.  Don’t let it mess with the signal at all and it’s great.  IMHO.

@dougthebiker I changed the volume in Roon to fixed. It was set to "use device" which is fixed.

I don't find any equalization settings. 

@lalitk makes sense.  Given the gear that I have, I think I'm best off using the Innuos streamer. I do like the Roon GUI, but there's nothing wrong with the Sense app. 

I’m a big Roon fan, running the Nucleus + core. All digital media is on the internal hard drive, it is reliable, streams to my primary system and to any other system with a Roon compatible device attached. I use Roon Arc anywhere in the world to access my library plus Quboz, Tidal. Fantastic digital solution.