Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?
As I said, absolutely no disrespect. And I am by no means, telling anyone to "Get a life." Just was wondering how much could actually be talked about regarding a single product. That's great that you have plenty of time for other things! I would guess the others probably feel the same. I merely asked as being inquisitive. By the way, I put over 2000 miles on my motorcycle in one month, and that was short trips... ;)
No offense taken Tim.  By the way, that was my bicycle mileage.  It's interesting how many fellow A'gon members are bike rides of both sorts.

Yes, I know we DI owners are an enthusiastic bunch.  But for good reason I think.
"Yes, I know we DI owners are an enthusiastic bunch. But for good reason I think."

I totally agree.

I think this thread is making a good turn - despite many hobbies and interests - there is not much that beats riding your bicycle...

The video was shot just a few blocks from my old home