@blueskywalker It sounds like your speakers are 8ohms nominal and they have high sensitivity so I would think the Ayre MX-R Twenty will handle them fine. It’s only where you have a speaker like mine that you absolutely need a monster amp into 2 ohms.
If the S200 sounds like the MX-R Twenty, then I would say yes there is a big difference to S250 but you have to analyze that in respect of your budget. To be clear, you will likely be very happy with the S200 or the MX-R Twenty so I don’t think you can make a wrong choice.
If the S200 sounds like the MX-R Twenty, then I would say yes there is a big difference to S250 but you have to analyze that in respect of your budget. To be clear, you will likely be very happy with the S200 or the MX-R Twenty so I don’t think you can make a wrong choice.