D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?
My experience with Ayre Acoustics has always been excellent.  I contacted them several times with questions for my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC (sold), Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier (own) and my Ayre Codex DAC (own).   Their customer service was always excellent.   I highly recommend Ayre products for their excellent sound quality and outstanding customer service.

Dans amp has more body,deeper and wider stage,more impact in the bass,is build 10X better than Ayre.Its your choice let us know when you get one.
I placed an order for a D'Agostino Momentum S-250. It will be about a month before it's in my hands. I'll be able to directly compare it to Ayre MX-R Twenties and Atma Sphere MA-1 3.3s driving Wilson Alexia's, Will report what I hear.
Imgoodwithtools I’ll be interested in your comparison. I find the S-250 to have the best treble in the business even over the Momentum 400s. It’s articulate, sweet, textured, refined and transparent while retaining extension, air and precision. Spacial dimensionality is preternatural. And yes I bought one.
The best treble I've heard thus far is from my Atma Sphere MA-1 3.3s with power supply capacitor and resistor upgrades. If the S-250 bests that, It will be an Amazing amp. I know the bass will be excellent, coming from D'Agostino.