D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?
I haven't heard the D'Agostino's but I have never hear Ayre's sound thin or lean except cold.


As a proponent of the Synergistic Black fuse in my Audio Research Reference 6, I was curious how the new Blue fuse would sound. Simply put, I do not like it in my system. It's as if some of the energy has been zapped from the presentation, especially in the highs. I'm going back to Black.
The D'Agostino has more meat on the bones.  I prefer that to the Ayre which is still very good but a little too polite for my tastes.

Both are excellent.
I finally found this thread again. Lots of great information- and presented in a friendly way.
This is how audiophiles can learn.
@OP  I think you really nailed the differences between the Ayre and D'Ag amps.
Pat at SMc makes a similar case for the Synergistic Black Fuse,too. As a 'budget minded' buyer, I hate to indulge in fuses, but hearing from such distinguished reviewers convinces me to give it a try. 
thoughts ?
i went with the Vandersteen amps....... pretty excited to say the least
5 weeks away.....
contact Randy at Optimal if you want a nice VX-R Twenty in black
and to think i claimed to rarely change gear