DAC for entry level system

I have an entry level system.
Speakers: Vienna acoustics Bach.
Plinius 8100 integrated amp.
Arcam CD72 player.
Logitech squeesbox touch.
I would like to buy a DAC to my system(prefer used to get more for the money), but I don’t know what price level of DAC will get me much better result compare to the internal DAC that I have now in the Arcam and the Logitec. Will(example of price groups) $179 HRT music steamer II will do it? Or $379 Musical fidelity V-DAC MKII, or $649 Simaudio 100D, or $995 Rega dac.
I have to append what I said above on the DLIII. After having posted what I did above, I started having second thoughts and went and checked the specs on the DLIII.

What I found (as opposed to what I remembered) is that the DL III can only handle a 16/44.1 incoming stream. It may be nice upgrade for a CD player, but not for a Squeezebox Touch, since the Touch can do 24/96 in stock form and 24/192 with a simple software mod.
The Emotiva DAC brand new priced at $400.00 and trial period. Well featured and solid build with remote control. I have the first edition with no experience with another but enjoy the music through it and question the need to spend more.
Thank you all for your comments. I think I got the answer that almost every DAC(that can handel files up too 24/196kes) will be better compare to the Logitech intrnal DAC. i'll have to try to listen to few units and decide which one to buy.
MDBT does have Dacs that are cheaper that have good reviews. I really wanted the Havana but it seemed like it would have taken a while to find it so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Rega because it had many of the qualities I wanted.

The Havana sells for $800 something NEW on ebay so I think a used one should go for below $700. The MHDT Labs Paradisea has a sale pending on another site for around $370. It is the middle tier dac in their line. The things I have read have been good but never hear any of the MHDT stuff.

I still have to say I am happy with the Rega. If I get the bass better controled I will be very happy. My room is really small so it plays a huge role but I suspect a more expensive digital cord will help a good bit too. The blue Jean cable ($20) including shipping was a great improvement of a cord that cost $17.00 at Best Buy.

What ever you get make sure you share it with us. Your in the price range I can afford so anything in that range interests me.

I will give a nod to the Rega if bought used. Its a good dac for someone who wants a thick and rich sound. Good sound stage. Not overly detailed but very nice presention that really makes music flow together very non digital/slight warmness to sonud. It does seem to boost the bass a bit in my system but I think that is why the sound is so rich. Its thick but not slow if that makes sense.

Just a quick word about tubes....
Some of the newer re-makes and some of the easy to find brands in general are getting to be very good and not expensive at all. The new remake Mullards are wonderful tubes and not that far off from the original. JJ has made improvements and the newer Tung-sol's are great to listen to. I think that I paid about 150.00 for a match quad of the new Genelex Gold Lions and they are just incredible... now thats tubes for my amp and not my dac. The smaller tubes for a dac that you may purchase will run you about 20.00 per tube. There are good places to purchase them as well. The Tube Store has always treated me fair and just finding a good outlet that tests, and gives advise is half the fun. Beware ! You can go crazy!!! Personally I don't let myself get suckered into the mega-dollar tubes. I will agree that some may sound better... But it is a diminishing return. As stated, the newer runs of tubes from most manufacturers are just great.

Just my 0.0263 cents
Come on, do some tubes... You will be happy that you did.
