DAC Upgrade

I currently using a Bryston BDA-1 DAC and although it is a pretty good DAC, I want to upgrade to a 2r2 DAC. I recently purchased a Jays Audio cdt2 mk.ll transport and it is exceptional. My budget is in the $2,000 range and after careful review, I have narrowed the list to Schitts-Yagdrasil, Denafrips-Pontus and Holo Spring 2 level 2(new). Unfortunately, It is difficult to compare the three of them side by side, so I have to rely on expert reviews. I am looking for a DAC that is transparent, extended but smooth highs, 3D midrange and tight bass. My equipment is Prima Luna Prologue Pre Amp, Prima Luna Dialogue HP Amp and Silverline Sonata Mk.III speakers. Any thoughts?
This is a bit out of your price range, but it would be hard to beat this one with the Femto clock option:     https://www.wyred4sound.com/products/digital-converters/dac-2v2-series  

I have one and it is exceptional and beats all the other DAC's I tried, including ones at nearly 4x the price.
You mean R2R. If you’ve never heard one, why do you think you want one?

Holo Spring Level 3 measurements, it’s decent when in OS mode. So I assume the Level 2 is decent as well. I personally don’t see any practical benefit over a DS DACs, meaning not the theoretical benefits but the benefits from the products that exist.
Sorry, I did mean R2R and yes I have not heard any of the DAC's mentioned above which I am sure are very good. I have done research into the technology of the R2R and from what I have read from every review by audiophiles and professional reviewers is that they perform better than the Delta Sigma DAC's as far as being more musical than good digital. Yes they are only decent on OS mode but are outstanding in NOS. Just take a look at the components and build quality of these DAC's. I don't make my decisions on measurements but on there merits to bring music alive and non fatiguing which a lot of name brand Delta DAC's don't do.