DACs that do well without a preamp

I am looking for a DAC to feed my DNA-1 gold power amp directly, streaming Qobuz or Tidal from a Bluesound Vault. Budget is $1-2K; would consider used, if worthwhile. Current contenders are Benchmark 3 HGC, Brooklyn DAC+, Gustard x26 pro, Holo Spring 3, Musetec 004 and Pontus ii. Looking for clean, detailed, uncolored sound that "lifts the veil". What are the qualities I should look for to drive an amp well, without a pre?

RME ADI fs2 with Teddy Pardo linear power supply. I use this and don’t miss either of my preamps, which are a ModWright LS36.5 and Sonic Frontiers Line 2 SE. Been running direct and have not gone back but will be here soon to compare in more depth. The RME without the Teddy Pardo, no I would not go direct to my amp, as it’s a little thin by comparison but the Teddy fills things out.

I use and completely love the Pontus II DAC, and at $1,730 it's an absolute steal. That said, I've only used it with a pre-amp, so no comparison for you 

Chord DAVE is an excellent preamp. It has remote volume control and multiple digital inputs. RCA and balanced outputs. I use it as my preamp.

I can’t agree with those of you who think a preamp adds to the quality of the sound. Touching the signal can only degrade it. the less you touch it, the more intact it stays.

Edit:  Just noticed your budget. The chord Qutest will work as a preamp I think.  I've borrowed one and used it but don't remember how I controlled volume.


I just purchased a pre owned NAD C658 to pair with a Pass XA25.  Had low expectations...but am very surprised at excellent SQ and simplicity of system.