Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio

Recently, I've auditioned a pairs of Dynaudio Focus 110, I'm pretty impressed with the sound, but if I choose to buy the Focus 160, I'm a bit worry on the bass resonance problem due to rear ported design, some Dynaudio users report such problem too. I'm living in a medium room, where space is very limited, thus I'm considering to audition a pairs of System Audio Mantra 5, same Danish loudspeaker design, seem well regarded from some of the feedbacks, though I have to contact them to check whether any audition available in Malaysia, from the Website I'm able to search out a location though. Anybody heard of the System Audio speakers, any opinions or impressions how it sound?
Have you considered Dali, another fine Danish speaker?
They use a dome tweeter combined with a ribbon tweeter and and a bass driver. And they use a front port.
Wim1983 --

Though they're not of Danish hands, how about looking into a pair of ATC SCM19's (or SCM11)? They are sealed-box speakers, and should mate well in limited space environments.

I sold Dali for 8 years of time, Dynaudio is of a higher and better level in quality.

These days we only sell 3 dimensional sound. This counts both for stereo and multi channel use. The reason is that all people prefer 3 dimensional sound over 2 dimensional sound. I owned many highend sets of over 100.000 euro and my clienst often said: The sound is awesome but out of reach for us.

So I had to come with a sound what has the same exitement and emotion my sets had.

Monitor Audio uses faster and lighter materials compared to competitors. Have better cabinets ( thicker) with less colouration. Superior crossovers. Monitor Audio is the only brand to day which all speakers ( in their price ranges) they produce can create a deep and wide stage like the best highend speakers can give.

I use all Monitor Audio speakers to the max. When I send my clients to shops to listen to Kef, B&W, Dynaudio, Dali, Focal etc they all come back laughing. The presentations they get are always 2 dimensional.

This is a lower level of quality in sound. I work like this for 8 years of time now. It is the most effective way of selling audio.

I have spoken to many people in over 17 years of time about the sets they owned in the past. All people with 2 dimensional sets ( alomost all sets are 2 dimensional) buy after time a new set or new parts to hope for a higher level. Often they are still not satisfied.

I brought many people from 2D to 3D in the last 8 years of time. They have one thing in common. They use their sets more frequently and longer in time. They also spend more money on music and movies.
@Lowrider57: What are some of the best Dali standmounts for near full range musical listening? I'm planning to visit a shop with Focal, PSB & Dali